[Centre] Work in the bid

Cubitt S.R. S.R.Cubitt at soton.ac.uk
Mon Aug 8 15:57:29 CEST 2011


We have had meetings with other research staff at southampton. I'll attach
/ paste the record of the meeting. There are suggestions that this  may
not be a very open call, but none of us know for sure.  I said I woud try
to circulate something early this week in draft but was delayed returning
from Amsterdam. We also have some ideas of other collaborators, especially
along the south coast - there are strong reasons to go for collaboratons.
This relates to another important thoughtin the notes: creative industries
are characteristically small - family / individual  small group practices
in design etc etc. Big collaborators may or may not help understand their
economics. Regional associations wd be an excellent way to reach many
small companies - better tyhan contacting one big one. I also suggest we
work with entreprises who may have diffeent ideas, especially in
distribution - people like Rough Trade Records, or Lux film-video
distributors: indie distribution has always lived from hand to mouth but
can't afford - usually - open access

It is a pain they have chosen this time of year: suggests they are keen to
reduce the number of centres competing

I'll try to outline a workable idea overnight or tomorrow morning - it has
to go round our Southampton colleagues in busines school, engineering and
compter science etc, alliances which are not as conservarive as I feared,
by any means, but have what they regard - probably with reason - as a more
realistic apprach to the process of persuading a now throughly ideological
grant-giving appararus reasons to give us the money


On 07/08/2011 22:23, "Volker Grassmuck" <vgrass at rz.hu-berlin.de> wrote:

>Dear Franco, all,
>thanks for pinging us. Yes, you are absolutely right, we have to get
>moving. I was delayed due to my Lebanon trip and a crashed computer but I
>did start to work on the sections off-wiki. I am confident that we will
>be able to work out appealing proposals to most of them. However, two I
>think are time-critical.
>Since it is an 80% funding, we will have to come up with an additional
>£1.25 million. Google came to mind. They just committed €4,5 million to
>an Institute for Internet and Society at Humboldt University that will be
>launched in October. That might make it less likely that they support
>another research institute but I could ask. The question is would we feel
>comfortable with Google? Which other funding partners could you think of?
>How much could University of Southampton contribute, if any? Do
>contributions in kind count, i.e. infrastructure for hosting the Centre?
>What could be sources of sustained funding after the four-year period?
>Can we mention EU FP8 calls even though we know that the success rate is
>only 10%? 
>The other issue that will take time is finding partners. Here are some
>- Berkman Center, Harvard
>- Center for Technology and Society, FGV Rio
>- NEXA Center for Internet and Society, Politecnico di Torino
>- IvIR, Amsterdam
>- MPI for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Munich
>- the COMMUNIA Non-Profit Association
>- Rufus, Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation
>- Philippe Aigrain, Paris
>- Alan Story, University of Kent
>Depending on what issues we want to highlight (e.g. open access, privacy,
>mobile phones, collective management) others come to mind. Given the
>strong emphasis on creative industries, partners from some of the sectors
>would certainly be an asset, e.g. the new Games Lab at Paderborn
>University. But very likely these should be UK institutions which I am
>less familiar with. How about Mute Magazine?
>I could approach all of those mentioned but would like to get feedback
>from you first. Shall we brainstorm on funding and partners over the next
>days? I will also send drafts on the other sections so we have something
>to work with. 
>Am 07.08.2011 um 15:31 schrieb Franco Iacomella:
>> Hi to all,
>> we are almost one month behind the deadline and we got no progress at
>> all in the proposal writing for the "Centre for Copyright and New
>> Business Models in the Creative Economy"
>> (http://p2pfoundation.net/projects/doku.php/centre:resume).
>> At this point we would need to evaluate if we got the necessary
>> commitment to achieve the proposal preparation objective. It would be
>> good to know if Jussi and Volker would be able to lead this project as
>> was expected.
>> Thanks and best regards,
>> -- 
>> Franco Iacomella
>> _______________________________________________
>> Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy
>> Wiki space: http://p2pfoundation.net/projects/doku.php/centre:resume
>Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy
>Wiki space: http://p2pfoundation.net/projects/doku.php/centre:resume

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