[Musix-usuarios] Problema con hora predeterminada

david fernandez rdavidgeek en gmail.com
Mie Dic 22 20:49:12 CET 2010

Fijate aca www.google.com.ar

El 22 de diciembre de 2010 16:31, Cronopio Rojo
<cronopiorojo en yahoo.com.ar>escribió:

> No se qué es la Bios, por ende tampoco se entrar.
> " La realidad es aquello que, cuando dejas de creer en ella, no desaparece" (Philip
> K Dick)
> *
> *
> --- El *mié 22-dic-10, joseangon <joseangon47 en gmail.com>* escribió:
> De: joseangon <joseangon47 en gmail.com>
> Asunto: Re: [Musix-usuarios] Problema con hora predeterminada
> Para: "Lista de usuarios de Musix" <musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org>
> Fecha: miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010, 15:36
> El 22 de diciembre de 2010 15:51, Cronopio Rojo <cronopiorojo en yahoo.com.ar<http://mc/[email protected]>
> > escribió:
> Hola.
>  Todo sigue igual de mal...
> cronopio@(none):~$ su
> Contraseña:
> (none):/home/cronopio#
> (none):/home/cronopio# zdump -v /etc/localtime | egrep 2010
> /etc/localtime  Sun Mar 21 01:59:59 2010 UTC = Sat Mar 20 23:59:59 2010
> ARST isd                                           st=1 gmtoff=-7200
> /etc/localtime  Sun Mar 21 02:00:00 2010 UTC = Sat Mar 20 23:00:00 2010 ART
> isds                                           t=0 gmtoff=-10800
> /etc/localtime  Sun Oct 17 02:59:59 2010 UTC = Sat Oct 16 23:59:59 2010 ART
> isds                                           t=0 gmtoff=-10800
> /etc/localtime  Sun Oct 17 03:00:00 2010 UTC = Sun Oct 17 01:00:00 2010
> ARST isd                                           st=1 gmtoff=-7200
> (none):/home/cronopio# dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
> Current default timezone: 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires'
> Local time is now:      Wed Dec 22 13:49:06 ARST 2010.
> Universal Time is now:  Wed Dec 22 15:49:06 UTC 2010.
> (none):/home/cronopio#
> A ver si tu bios no deja modificar la hora ... Entra en la bios y mira si
> hay alguna diferencia. Asegurate que allí la hora sea la correcta y entonces
> inicia tu musix y comparas.
> Saludos.
> " La realidad es aquello que, cuando dejas de creer en ella, no desaparece" (Philip
> K Dick)
> *
> *
> --- El *vie 10-dic-10, joseangon <joseangon47 en gmail.com<http://mc/[email protected]>
> >* escribió:
> De: joseangon <joseangon47 en gmail.com<http://mc/[email protected]>
> >
> Asunto: Re: [Musix-usuarios] Problema con hora predeterminada
> Para: "Lista de usuarios de Musix" <musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org<http://mc/[email protected]>
> >
> Fecha: viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010, 13:04
> El 10 de diciembre de 2010 05:00, Cronopio Rojo <*MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner has
> detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has
> detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has
> detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> cronopiorojo en yahoo.com.ar*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>** escribió:
> Hola.
> *
> Ok, recien ahora entiendo el problema. Espero que hagas las pruebas.
> *
> Pues en Argentina por lo que leo por ahí estáis en la misma situación que
> aquí en España.
> Por tanto esa información está ya en las bases de datos del tzdata. Debes
> elegir la situación geográfica (Sudamerica), el país (Argentina) y tu ciudad
> ( o la que corresponda a la situación política de tu zona, por ejemplo, yo
> vivo en Málaga y elijo Madrid).
> Luego comprobamos si esa zona tiene condicionantes de cambio de hora, como
> root en una consola:
> zdump -v /etc/localtime | egrep 2010
> debe dar una salida parecida a esta:
> # zdump -v /etc/localtime | egrep 2010
> /etc/localtime  Sun Mar 28 00:59:59 2010 UTC = Sun Mar 28 01:59:59 2010 CET
> isdst=0 gmtoff=3600
> /etc/localtime  Sun Mar 28 01:00:00 2010 UTC = Sun Mar 28 03:00:00 2010
> CEST isdst=1 gmtoff=7200
> /etc/localtime  Sun Oct 31 00:59:59 2010 UTC = Sun Oct 31 02:59:59 2010
> CEST isdst=1 gmtoff=7200
> /etc/localtime  Sun Oct 31 01:00:00 2010 UTC = Sun Oct 31 02:00:00 2010 CET
> isdst=0 gmtoff=3600
> ahí podemos apreciar cuando se cambia la hora para mi zona.
> Revisa, tambien como root, el dpkg-reconfigure tzdata y asegurate estés
> eligiendo correcto el horario:
> # dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
> El tzselect no vale para asignar la hora de modo permanente, ha de ser el
> tzdata, pero te pongo un ejemplo de las salidas en el mio:
> $ tzselect
> Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
> Please select a continent or ocean.
>  1) Africa
>  2) Americas
>  3) Antarctica
>  4) Arctic Ocean
>  5) Asia
>  6) Atlantic Ocean
>  7) Australia
>  8) Europe
>  9) Indian Ocean
> 10) Pacific Ocean
> 11) none - I want to specify the time zone using the Posix TZ format.
> #? 8
> Please select a country.
>  1) Aaland Islands        18) Greece                35) Norway
>  2) Albania               19) Guernsey              36) Poland
>  3) Andorra               20) Hungary               37) Portugal
>  4) Austria               21) Ireland               38) Romania
>  5) Belarus               22) Isle of Man           39) Russia
>  6) Belgium               23) Italy                 40) San Marino
>  7) Bosnia & Herzegovina  24) Jersey                41) Serbia
>  8) Britain (UK)          25) Latvia                42) Slovakia
>  9) Bulgaria              26) Liechtenstein         43) Slovenia
> 10) Croatia               27) Lithuania             44) Spain
> 11) Czech Republic        28) Luxembourg            45) Sweden
> 12) Denmark               29) Macedonia             46) Switzerland
> 13) Estonia               30) Malta                 47) Turkey
> 14) Finland               31) Moldova               48) Ukraine
> 15) France                32) Monaco                49) Vatican City
> 16) Germany               33) Montenegro
> 17) Gibraltar             34) Netherlands
> #? 44
> Please select one of the following time zone regions.
> 1) mainland
> 2) Ceuta & Melilla
> 3) Canary Islands
> #? 1
> The following information has been given:
>         Spain
>         mainland
> Therefore TZ='Europe/Madrid' will be used.
> Local time is now:      Fri Dec 10 15:35:14 CET 2010.
> Universal Time is now:  Fri Dec 10 14:35:14 UTC 2010.
> Is the above information OK?
> 1) Yes
> 2) No
> #? 1
> Saludos.
> *
>  Abrazo!!
> " La realidad es aquello que, cuando dejas de creer en ella, no desaparece" (Philip
> K Dick)
> *
> *
> --- El *jue 9-dic-10, joseangon <<http://mc/[email protected]>
> **MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be joseangon47 en gmail.com <http://mc/[email protected]>>***escribió:
> De: joseangon < <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> joseangon47 en gmail.com* <http://mc/[email protected]>*>
> Asunto: Re: [Musix-usuarios] Problema con hora predeterminada
> Para: "Lista de usuarios de Musix" <<http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>
> *
> *Fecha: jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010, 20:50
> *
> *
> *
> *El 9 de diciembre de 2010 23:27, Cronopio Rojo <<http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner has
> detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> cronopiorojo en yahoo.com.ar*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *> escribió:
> Hola.
> *
> Bien... ¿Y entonces? Antes de reinstalar musix tenia el mismo modem y
> router y no había problemas con la hora...
> *
> ya te dije que no tienes problemas con puertos ni con la pila (batería
> interna) del ordenador. Es un problema de la configuración horario. Hay
> países, como España, que no coincide la hora real con la "política". Aquí se
> adelanta o se atrasa la hora según la época del año para aprovechar más
> horas de luz.
> Eso tiene un nombre especifico (UTC y otro que no me acuerdo ... ) y se
> elige a la hora de configurar el horario en los server para los ordenadores.
> Ahora estoy muy liado, pero en cuanto pueda hago pruebas y te comunico los
> resultados. Seguro que con el tzselect se consigue.
> Saludos.
> *
> " La realidad es aquello que, cuando dejas de creer en ella, no desaparece" (Philip
> K Dick)
> *
> *
> --- El *mié 8-dic-10, david <<http://mc/[email protected]>
> **MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be davidfernandez en riseup.net<http://mc/[email protected]>
> >** escribió:
> *
> *
> De: david < <http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner has
> detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> davidfernandez en riseup.net*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>
> Asunto: Re: [Musix-usuarios] Problema con hora predeterminada
> Para: "Lista de usuarios de Musix" <<http://mc/[email protected]>
> <http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>
> Fecha: miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010, 23:23
> *
> *On 08/12/10 15:27, Cronopio Rojo wrote:
> > Si, tengo fibertel. Un modem y un router. ¿Qué tiene que ver eso con la
> hora?
> >
> >    " La realidad es aquello que, cuando dejas de creer en ella, no
> desaparece" (Philip K Dick)
> >
> Los provedores de internet pueden habilitar o desabilitar el uso de
> detarminado servicios, los servicios via red se comunican por
> ptotocolos, la mayoria por tcp/ip y estos usan puertos de comunicacion
> por ejemplo los navegadores para ver un web usan el puerto 80.
>   Los router/modem que en la mayorias tiende hacer uno mismo, vienen con
> un cortafuego que bloquea ciertos puertos.
> *
> *> --- El mié 8-dic-10, Marcos Germán Guglielmetti<<http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner has detected a
> possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be marcos en ovejafm.com*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>  escribió:
> >
> > De: Marcos Germán Guglielmetti<<http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner has detected a
> possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be marcos en ovejafm.com*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>
> > Asunto: Re: [Musix-usuarios] Problema con hora predeterminada
> > Para: "Lista de usuarios de Musix"<<http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>
> > Fecha: miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010, 14:00
> >
> > On Tuesday 07 December 2010 20:07:40 Cronopio Rojo wrote:
> >> No configuré ningún cortafuegos.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > pero si tenés cablemodem de la empresa fibertel es probable que ciertos
> > puertos estén cerrados.... :S
> >
> > x ejemplo acá en mi fibertel los puertos ssh están cerrados..
> >
> >     " La realidad es aquello que, cuando dejas de creer en ella, no
> >> desaparece" (Philip K Dick)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --- El lun 6-dic-10, joseangon<<http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner has detected a
> possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be joseangon47 en gmail.com*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>  escribió:
> >>
> >> De: joseangon< <http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner has detected a
> possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner has detected
> a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be joseangon47 en gmail.com*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>
> >> Asunto: Re: [Musix-usuarios] Problema con hora predeterminada
> >> Para: "Lista de usuarios de Musix"<<http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>*
>  *
> >> Fecha: lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010, 13:46
> >>
> >>
> >>
> *
> *>> El 6 de diciembre de 2010 11:22, Cronopio Rojo<<http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner has
> detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> cronopiorojo en yahoo.com.ar*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *>*
>  *
> >> escribió:
> >>
> >>
> >> Hola.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> No funcionó! La hora sigue estando igual de mal que siempre... Y lo que
> >> recomendó Daniel Vidal tampoco anduvo... ¿Otras sugerencias? ¿Tal vez
> >> cambiarle el huso horario?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Configuraste algún cortafuegos ?. Si es así has de tener abierto el
> puerto
> >> 123 del NPT.
> >>
> >>
> >> Saludos.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> > Musix-usuarios mailing list
> *
> *> <http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
>  *
> > https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
> _______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
> <http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> *
> * <http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> *
> * <http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
> *
> _______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
> *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be* *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
> *
> *
> *
> *--
> José A. González
> Siempre GNU Linux.
> *
> **
> *
> -----Adjunto en línea a continuación-----*
> *
> *
> *_______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
> <http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]><http://mc/[email protected]>
> * <http://mc/[email protected]>*MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be* *MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be MailScanner
> has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to be
> Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
> *
> _______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
> *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be* *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
> *
> *
> --
> José A. González
> Siempre GNU Linux.
> *
> *
> -----Adjunto en línea a continuación-----
> *
> *_______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
> <http://mc/[email protected]>*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming to
> be* *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "mc" claiming
> to be Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org*<http://mc/[email protected]>
> *
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
> *
> _______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
> Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org<http://mc/[email protected]>
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
> --
> José A. González
> Siempre GNU Linux.
> -----Adjunto en línea a continuación-----
> _______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
> Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org<http://mc/[email protected]>
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
> _______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
> Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios

David Fernandez

GTalk:  rdavidgeek
E-mail: davidfernandez en riseup.net
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