[Musix-usuarios] freepats: muy importante, cambio de lista de mail

Marcos Guglielmetti marcos en ovejafm.com
Jue Ene 22 02:23:47 CET 2009

Freepats list moved to a new location
Roberto Gordo Saez <roberto.gordo en gmail.com>
freepats en lists.zenvoid.org
andersvi en extern.uio.no, bencollver en gmail.com, 
e_mccanless en bellsouth.net, jonaskoelker en gnu.org, leoave en gmail.com, 
mandame.spam.aca en gmail.com, marcospcmusica en gmail.com, 
markc en renta.net, mdesigner en free.fr, ml en distasis.com, 
monk en cafelug.org.ar, musicayordenadores en gmail.com, pvdp en hotmail.fr, 
shanipribadi en gmx.net, shekcy en gmail.com, vogel en ct.metrocast.net, 
xrdawson en gmail.com, zynaddsubfx en yahoo.com, roberto en zenvoid.org
21/01/09 19:22
Dear freepats subscribers and all interested users, I want to announce
that the freepats list is moved to a new location, please take a few
minutes to subscribe to the new list:


We will continue there our discussion about freepats, free and open
instrument collections for softsynths, sampling, sound synthesis and
related topics.

There have been some weird issues with the old list during last 
they should be fixed by the move. If you previously had problems to 
or subscribe, please resend your email to the new address.

Admittedly the progress is slow, but there are people greatly
interested in this project and we will continue working on it. There
have been new developments, and web contents will be eventually 
to show recent contributions. In the meantime the list is the best
source of announcements.

There are plans for a new, better quality freepats release in sf2
format, as well as more standalone higher quality sound libraries for
music production (a multilayered classical guitar soundfont is in

Do you want to contribute your samples? Please do! Record your
instruments, voices, effects, noises and any sound that you want, they
are always appreciated. Don't worry about your recording equipment not
being professional; high quality is always desirable, but lower 
samples could also be helful for desktop or embedded General MIDI 

Please don't hesitate to ask questions in the freepats list.

Marcos Guglielmetti - www.foros.musix.es | Soporte comunitario

"En un mundo donde todo es una cadena de bits, donde el costo marginal 
de la cultura es igual a cero, donde una vez que una persona tiene 
algo, todo se puede dar a todo el mundo bajo el mismo costo en que se 
le dio a su primer poseedor, es inmoral excluir a las personas del 
conocimiento y de la belleza. "

Eben Moglen, FSF. http://www.mastermagazine.info/articulo/13220.php
Blog personal: www.marcospcmusica.wordpress.com 

Más información sobre la lista de distribución Musix-usuarios