[Musix-usuarios] Re: [LAT] linux-image-
and linux-image-
Marcos Guglielmetti
marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Jue Ago 14 06:41:55 CEST 2008
El Lunes, 11 de Agosto de 2008 20:03, Robin Gareus escribió:
| krgn wrote:
| > 2008/8/10 Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica en gmail.com>
| >
| >> Hi, Hola,
| >>
| >> new kernels for testing purposes: (nuevos kernels para testeo)
| >>
| >> http://linux.ilmainen.net/musix/temp/
| >>
| >> http://linux.ilmainen.net/musix/temp/linux-image-
| >>ibre1_2.6.26.2-rt1-libre1-10.00.Custom_i386.deb
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >> http://linux.ilmainen.net/musix/temp/realtime/
| >>
| >>
| >> http://linux.ilmainen.net/musix/temp/realtime/linux-image-2.6.2
| >>6.1-rt-libre1_2.6.26.1-rt-libre1-10.00.Custom_i386.deb
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >> (see the config* and readme files for more details)
| >>
| >> Cheers!
| >
| > hm this kernel hard-locked my machine after only a little while
| > of using it with some more or less intense audio processing.
| > what are other peoples experiences? I know this sounds terrible,
| > but I am glad it does, as it means its not my machine/setup :-)
| >
| > cheers for putting this together though,
| >
| > karsten
| Similar here. worked fine for about 10 mins
| without xrun (mplayer and jconv) but froze when opening email.
thanks for reporting
No problems here (for now) using
uname -a
Linux musix1.0r4dvd #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Sun Aug 10
13:45:05 EEST 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
| notes:
| This kernel uses ide_generic instead of ata_piix. The HDD is
| amazingly SLOW and shows up as /dev/hda instead of /dev/sda. - I'm
| sure that's trivial to fix with boot-parameters.
Reported to Tapani Räikkönen <tapani.raikkonen en ilmainen.net>
| Is there a remastered ISO for the 2.6.26 kernel?
Not for now, and there is no dead line or so..., we are just testing,
and maybe the live-cd/dvd kernel will be realtime enabled but will
not have all the realtime patches, and when you install the system,
you will have the 100% patched kernel too... we will see
| I gave it a go
| with `qemu -s -soundhw all -kernel
| /boot/vmlinuz- -hda /dev/null -cdrom .. -initrd
| .. -append ".."` - but I'd need a matching initrd for Musix. It
| won't be realtime, but if it's also freezing one may be able to
| get a trace with
| `gdb [kernel.bin]`
| (gdb) target remote localhost:1234
Nice! but, maybe, before that, would be better to test
linux-image- and to see if it's better.
very thanks!
| robin
Marcos Guglielmetti - www.musix.org.ar Software Libre para Artistas
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