[Musix-usuarios] TOP10, reviews y comentarios interesantes

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Vie Sep 14 07:21:13 CEST 2007

Google Blogs Alert for: musix linux
 Top 10 Linux Distributions for Audio Production
  By Michael Stepanov 
 Here is a top 10 of Linux Distribution to make a professional Multimedia 
Stations:. JackLab Audio Distribution; Musix GNU+Linux; Ubuntu Studio; Linux 
MultiMedia Studio; DeMuDI; Dyne:bolic; 64 Studio; StartCom MultiMedia 
Edition; APODIO ...

   Michael's Tech Blog - http://stepanoff.org/wordpress  
 I work for NIST a fed gov agency and am releasing code that links ...
  By znaked2000 
 ubuntu seems to be the microsoft of "linux" but gnu is better. Ubuntu. musix 
has all the nifty stuff that makes u wanna smoke a bowl with RMS all the 
stuff u truely need on ONE cd sequencer, drum machine, etc. heh ...
   OXXus.net: Web Hosting - http://www.oxxus.net/blog  


 Is it possible to have custom multiple desktops?
  By joeman 
 I recently used a multimedia live cd distro called musix. It used a IceWM and 
on the bottom music bar they had multiple buttons that would enable you 
to "switch" your desktop into a different theme. One would be music 
creation, ...
   Linux Forums - http://www.linuxforums.org/forum


Más información sobre la lista de distribución Musix-usuarios