[Musix-usuarios] Campcaster radio station para Debian/Stable (Musix)

Nahuel Iglesias niglesias en gmail.com
Lun Jul 23 13:56:31 CEST 2007

¿Comparación entre Campcaster y Rivendell? ¿Alguien los probó?

2007/7/21, Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica en gmail.com>:
> Esta es una de las ventajas de haber basado Musix en la versión estable de
> Debian ;-)
> Agregar a /etc/apt/sources.list
> deb http://code.campware.org/debian etch main
> Luego instalar así:
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install campcaster*
> =========================================================
> Description: A radio program automation and support tool.
>  Campcaster is the first free and open radio management software that
>  provides live studio broadcast capabilities as well as remote automation
>  in one integrated system.
>  .
>  Major features of Campcaster: live, in-studio playout; web-based remote
>  station management; automation; playlists; centralized archives of station
>  program material; solid, fast playback using the Gstreamer multimedia
>  framework; search-based backup; localization into several languages;
>  innovative design by the Parsons School of Design; open, extensible
>  architecture based on XML-RPC.
>  .
>  This package contains the server components of Campcaster:
>  a storage server, a scheduler daemon, and a web interface.
>  .
>  Web site: http://campcaster.campware.org
> Debian users
> Users of Debian Etch can add the Campware Debian Etch repository in the same
> way. The line to use for the Campware repository is:
> deb http://code.campware.org/debian etch main
> Editing your sources.list
> For those of you who prefer 'keeping it real,' and don't like to use a GUI
> package manager, you can always add the appropriate Debian or Ubuntu
> repository above mentioned above in your /etc/apt/sources.list file.
> --
>   `&'
>   # Marcos Guglielmetti, co-director de
>   # Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre para artistas
>   _#_ http://www.musix.org.ar
>   (#)
>   / O \ + archivos: ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix
>  ( === ) Ecología: http://autosus.wordpress.com
>   `---' Personal: http://marcospcmusica.wordpress.com
> "¡Ya cállate, cállate, cállate que me desespeeeeras!"
> http://es.wikiquote.org/wiki/El_Chavo_del_Ocho
> _______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
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Nahuel Iglesias
Cenitec SRL
Bariloche - Patagonia Argentina

¿Qué estás haciendo, Dave ?. Nada, HAL, te instalo Windows 95.

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