[Musix-usuarios] Efectos para Guitarra en MUSIX
Diseño treees
treees en gmail.com
Dom Dic 9 19:44:23 CET 2007
Buenas chicos,
parece que nos han leído la mente en LAU, y hace unos días hablaban de
un efecto de distorsión para guitarra que emula (dicen que muy bien) a
un ampli Marshall. Vaya, parece que se va por el buen camino. El
programador que hizo el plugin quiere que se pruebe y que la gente
haga sugerencias. Funciona con el Alsa Modular Synth, y nunca lo
utilicé, pero en cuanto pueda hago alguna prueba. Os copio el mensaje
que envió este chico (en inglés):
--- ini ---
Many folks from the computer-audio-scene say, that they cannot find an
application for Linux to act as a virtual guitar-amp. Of course we know,
that one can build such a beast easily from modules but ti ease the
effort for all thos, that simply want to plug and play, I made up a
patch for alsa modular synth called ams-guitrack, get it here:
1.) start jackd with qjackctl
2.) start ams
3.) load the patch ams-guitrack_RC1.ams and open View/Parameter View
4.) connect alsa_pcm_in with ams_in and ams_out with alsa_pcm_out
5.) connect your guitar and adjust the gain-settings in the parameter-view
for me this gives the results I would expect from a middle-class-
Marshall-Stack with a 19"-MultiFX involved.
The patch is being used in my recent recording-experiment:
http://gnupc.de/~zettberlin/law/lapoc/ (in German)
gnupc.de/~zettberlin/law/lapoc/lac2008-noack-lapoc.pdf (paper for LAC
2008 in English)
The guitarists in the project(so-called "musicians" - not the faintest
knowledge in computers, let alone Linux....) like the patch a lot,
especially because you get exactly what you hear as you play on the
track in Ardour. And because the patch reacts to some extent like a real
amp... If everything is set just right, you can control distortion by
turning the volume-knob on the guitar ;-)
A short, not-so-perfectly well played, unpolished and thus by far not
recommendable but still cc/share-alike/attribution-licenced demo can be
found here:
If unbearable hiss/noise spoils the party try to fiddle with the
gain/threshold/ratio-faders of the compressor-section in tab CAPS-AMP of
the Parameter-View.
You can also store your own presets here - since I strongly abhor from
such vices as factory-presets, I got only 2 very basic ones in the patch
Of course the patch depends on other software, first on ams and on the
LADSPA-Modules from the CAPS-Collection - thanks a lot to all its devs!!!
enjoy, and as always: any comments are welcome :-)
--- fin ---
Bueno, espero que os guste ;)
Un saludo,
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