[Musix-users] USB Recording Adapters

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Thu May 31 14:18:49 CEST 2007

El Miércoles, 30 de Mayo de 2007 14:57, Sean Edwards escribió:
 | I am looking for a USB Recording adapter and I was wondering if anybody is
 | using the the M-Audio FastTrack Pro or the M-Audio Audio Audiophile USB. 
 | I need to record both sound and MIDI, but not necessarily at the same
 | time.
 | How about the M-Audio Transit or Jam Lab for  recording audio?  Is anybody
 | using one of the Midisport or Uno models from M-Audio?  If you have other
 | recommendations for a reasonably priced interface, I would like to  hear
 | about your experience with it.
 | Thank you for your replies.
Hi, if i can remember well... these hardwares work under Musix, but I can not 
be sure, I will ask to the spanish mailing list.

You should also ask at the ALSA mailing list and/or the LAU ml


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      #           Marcos Guglielmetti               
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     _#_       http://www.musix.org.ar/en           
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