[Musix-users] the only boot option that works was: english dma acpi=off

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 22:24:56 CEST 2007

El Jueves, 7 de Junio de 2007 02:20, Karolis Doksas escribió:
 | 1) the only boot option that works was: english dma acpi=off. after boot i
 | have checked pcinfo.sh, only 1 language was chosen - en, keyboard = us.


 | however i still recive languge errors, usualy spanish apeared, though it
 | should be english ONLY. 

 | what i should do to boot and install musix 
 | properly in HD with out ANY spanish or any other language apereance in any
 | case exept english?

Did you choosed an english desktop from the KDM's menu? You can click on 
the "menu" button and choose an icewm-english desktop.

 | 2) rox file manager always asks for to chose language 
 | on a every start up. how to configure rox file manager once and save its
 | configuration for all the time? 

This should not happend, but, ok, if it does, you can remove rox-language.sh 


Also, you can just comment it:

# rox-language.sh

 | 3) on a every start up KDE enviroment 
 | always are set to spanish basic keybord layout and language. how to change
 | that to english or us keyboard layout and language and save that conf
 | static? ( i think language in everywhere suppose to be chosen only ONCE
 | during the
 | installation process )

You can use kpersonalizer, and if /boot/grub/menu.lst it's ok with "lang=en", 
you will have no problems.

 | 4) i tried fresh 1.0 r2 package, knoppix beginer 
 | and debian installation type when booting alradey installed didn't boot
 | any GUI desktop, only terminal apeared. knoppix and kanotix booted but
 | with language errors.

Well, the kanotix installation style should be almost the same as the 
Knoppix/Debian style. Knoppix/Knoppix style should be very different from 
kanotix style: it will use another kind of hardware autodetection.

Also, if there is no GUI, you can run videoconfig (just type videoconfig as 
root) and try with the different options

I hope it could help you...

      #           Marcos Guglielmetti               
      #   Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre      
     _#_       http://www.musix.org.ar/en           
    / O \    + archivos: ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix
   ( === )   Ecología: http://autosus.wordpress.com    
    `---'    Personal: http://marcospcmusica.wordpress.com

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