[Musix-users] Re: Musix-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 4

Karolis Doksas dokshas at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 02:20:58 CEST 2007

1) the only boot option that works was: english dma acpi=off. after boot i
have checked pcinfo.sh, only 1 language was chosen - en, keyboard = us.
however i still recive languge errors, usualy spanish apeared, though it
should be english ONLY. what i should do to boot and install musix properly
in HD with out ANY spanish or any other language apereance in any case exept
english? 2) rox file manager always asks for to chose language on a every
start up. how to configure rox file manager once and save its configuration
for all the time? 3) on a every start up KDE enviroment always are set to
spanish basic keybord layout and language. how to change that to english or
us keyboard layout and language and save that conf static? ( i think
language in everywhere suppose to be chosen only ONCE during the
installation process ) 4) i tried fresh 1.0 r2 package, knoppix beginer and
debian installation type when booting alradey installed didn't boot any GUI
desktop, only terminal apeared. knoppix and kanotix booted but with language
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