[Musix-users] Re: Do I run a low-latency and realtime kernel? (new kernel)

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 21:19:27 CEST 2007

El Mar 10 Abr 2007 00:14, julien bodd escribió:
 | Hi all,
 | I just installed kernel 2.6.21-rc4 !
 | Indeed, now I can see FF FF in in jackd ! So my kernel had a problem.
 | The good point is that I get no xruns any more !

Fine, I am glad, thanks Tapani Räikkönen  for building our kernels  

 | But, the problem is not solved at all :-) The sound saturation is
 | still there, it is so crap, that it is not playable.
 | I repeat, this happens only with :
 | midi keyboard --> midi in to freewheeling -->midi out to zynadd -->
 | audio out back to freewheeling --> audio out to alsa_pcm
 | I sent a msg to freewheeling mailing list, and somebody replied me it
 | is inherent to freewheeling. 

Well, that's a good point ;-),

 | It has not hard realtime capabilities. 
 | They pointed me to a new project, wich is : http://home.gna.org/zyn/
 | I noticed that if I keep the above described configuration, except
 | that I don't play from my midi keyboard but from the integrated visual
 | keyboard in zynaddsubfx, there is no sound saturation !!!!! So, it
 | seems zynaddsubfx cannot process fast enough the midi inputs it gets
 | from freewheeling !
You are making history ;-) hehe, free software is experimental, so, you are 
helping everybody with your discovery 

 | Thank you guys!
 | Good point is that I now really have a realtime kernel :-)
Hehe, you can try anotherones, but this one should be tested, because we want 
to include some 2.6.21* into Musix 1.0

 | I'll see what happens with this new project, and keep you informed.
 | Another solution is if it is possible (I have to ask zynadd mailing
 | list), is to say, ok..zynaddsubfx just process midi events in the note
 | range X-->Y, and freewheeling to process midi events in the note range
 | Y+1 --> Z.
 | That would avoid freewheeling to filter and pass the midi events it
 | gets to zynaddsubfx. What do you think?
I really dont know :(

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Marcos Guglielmetti  
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
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