[Musix-users] Re: DSL connection problem on Musix 0.59

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 04:29:32 CET 2006

Mantener a John Wimbere <cincykid1 at yahoo.com> en CC por favor!

Hola John Wimbere:
> Marcos,
> I wrote to you awhile ago about a problem I had
> establishing a DSL connection on an earlier version of
> Musix.  I wanted to let you know that I have the same
> problem with 0.59.

Hi, yes, now i see: "Since writing your reply, I have installed Ubuntu
6.06--another Debian derivitive--on my desktop. 
Again, pppoeconf worked fine, but my connection was
timing out.  I edited etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider, and
that solves part of the problem, but I still have to
frequently restart the connection with pon
dsl-provider.  Sometimes I have to reboot to
re-establish the connection.  But at least I'm able to
connect with a Debian distro."

Ok, your DSL works on an Ubuntu system.

> To recap, the pppoeconfig happens normally, I enter
> user name and password, lights flash on the modem, I
> get confirmation that the connection has been
> established, but Firefox cannot find any servers and
> cannot open any pages.

Mmm.... what does it says on /etc/resolv.conf

> Was a fix ever found for this problem?  

NO: no other users reported such problem... maybe something related, but not 
this problem exactly. And I dont know too mucho about DSL (almost nothing), 
so I am asking another users here.

Your modem in an USB modem? 

> I am in 
> Montreal, and I am using a generic DSL service
> provider that piggybacks on the phone network--nothing
> special. 

Ethernet modem?

> And I have also never had a problem with 
> Fedora or SuSE.  I have had this problem with recent
> versions of Knoppix.  I remember using Knoppix 3.7 and
> maybe 3.9 without any problem, but with Knoppix 4.0
> and after I have been unable to establish an Internet
> connection "out of the box."

Mmmm... did you tried with

dhclient eth0

Type this on a root konsole

dhclient eth0

> I think you are doing good work here on this project,
> and I would really like to explore it, but I need to
> overcome this obstacle.  

I can understand, I hope somebody else knows how to solve it

> If you could provide some 
> insight or assistance, it would be appreciated.

Tell me about those things


Marcos Guglielmetti  
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
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