[Musix-users] Catch-22 on Musix installation to third HD

J.M. quip.mail at gmail.com
Sat Nov 4 02:54:56 CET 2006

Hey all:

Thanks for the FTP link the other day, Marcos.  I finally got Musix
downloaded and burned.  Running from live CD it looks promising, so I'd like
to get it installed on my 866 MHz 256MB machine.  The computer already has 2
hard drives, so I pulled an old 1.18GB from storage; should have just barely
enough space, right?  (I can get another one if necessary).  OK, now when I
try to install Musix using the old-style Knoppix installer (little nervous
about Kanotix; it crashed on me once already) I get the system requirements
error, basically telling me that there's insufficient disk space and would I
like to repartition.  OK, no problem, I start GParted and created on
/dev/hdd a swap partition of 150MB (over the required 128MB) and a primary
EXT2 partition of the remaining space (just over the necessary 1GB).  After
the machine huffs and puffs through the changes, I return to installation...
only to receive the same system requirements error.  I suspect that this has
to do with the swap partition being locked by Musix itself (the copy running
from CD) as in the background terminal it says something like "resource
error: /dev/hdd2 swapon" just before generating that system requirements
error.  Also, if I go back into GParted, I find the swap partition locked.
I unlock it... and Musix locks it again, apparently.  Thus the Catch-22.
Musix insists on locking the swap partition while it's running, but you
can't install Musix without locking it.  I don't know if I need to manually
run swapoff (what's the syntax for that, anyway) before hitting install or
use the error override setting or what.  Any help would be appreciated.  I
can't wait to try out Musix.

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