[Musix-users] Prob with multimedia kernel and echo gina24

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Nov 11 20:37:27 CET 2005

On Friday 11 November 2005 22:49, vcvz vcxzv wrote:
> Marcos any chance of replacing the knoppix 2.6.11 with the multimedia
> kernel and modules?

Yes, we could do that, it's really easy, but the problem has something to do 
with unresolved bugs or unsupported hardware from the multimedia-kernel.... 
so, I think that, unless some other people make it faster, we will have a 
live-cd with multimedia kernel at boot time when musix reachs the 1.0 version 
(and there is no date for this release)

sorry again about my ugly english!!

I think that It could be better to use both kernels from the Live-CD boot up 
process, but I dont know how to do it

Marcos Guglielmetti 
Coordinador del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux (www.musix.org.ar)
fecha: vie nov 11 16:15:02 CET 2005


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