[Mostoleswifi-opina] t into t

Lista de Correo MostolesWiFi.com mostoleswifi-opina en lists.ourproject.org
Dom Mar 21 00:29:48 CET 2010

 witnessed. They will not, and could
not, give intelligible and interesting
particulars of the affair (unless it were as to the breed of the dog or the number of the bus-service). They have watched a dog run over. They analyse
neither their sensations nor the phenomenon. They have witnessed it whole, as a bad writer uses a _cliche_. They have observed--that is to say, they have really seen--nothing. II It will be well for us not to assume an attitude
of condescension towards the
crowd. Because in the matter of looking without seeing we are all
about equal. We all go to and fro in a state
of the observing faculties which somewhat resembles coma. We are all content to look and not see. And if and when, having comprehended
that the _role_ of observer is not passive but active, we determine by an effort to rouse ourselves from the coma and really to see the spectacle of the world (a spectacle surpassing circuses and even street accidents in sustained dramatic interest), we shall discover,
slowly in the course of time, that the act of seeing, which seems so easy, is not so easy as it seems. Let a man resolve: "I will keep my eyes open on the way to the office of a morning,"
and the probability if that for many mornings he
will see naught that is not
trivial, and that his system of perspective will be absurdly distorted. The unusual, the unaccustomed, will infallibly attract him, to the exclusion of what is fundamental and universal. Travel makes observers

of us all, but the things which as tr
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