[Lcc-general] P, and I found to my dismay that I had been calling him 'my darling

Kailiponi Rothermich vulvar at spijs.com
Sat Mar 27 02:38:59 CET 2010

D stop tilting
through the streets, and learn that the true
Grecian Bend is the line of beauty always found in straight shoulders,
well-opened chest, and an upright figure, firmly planted on active
feet.' 'In your rambles don't you find a
great deal of misery?' said I, to change the subject, for he was
evidently old-fashioned in his notions. 'Many sad sights!' And he shook
his head with a sigh; then added, briskly, 'But there is a deal of
charity in our city, and it does its work beautifully. By the by, I
heard of a very sweet charity
the other day,--a church whose Sunday
school is open to all the poor children who will come; and there, in

rooms, with books, pictures, kindly teachers, and a fatherly minister
to welcome them, the poor little creatures find refreshment for
their hungry souls. I like that; it's a lovely illustration
of the text, "Suffer little children to come unto me;" and _I_ call it

Christianity.' He did like it, my benevolent old bird; for he rustled
his great wings, as if he wanted to clap them, if there had only been
room; and every feather

shone as if a clearer light than that of my little fire had fallen on
it as he spoke. 'You are a literary woman, hey?' he said suddenly, as
if he'd got a new idea, and was going to pounce upon me with it. 'Ahem
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