[JoPP-Public] Book of Peer Production

maxigas maxigas at anargeek.net
Thu Nov 13 13:33:33 CET 2014

From: Mathieu ONeil <mathieu.oneil at anu.edu.au>
Subject: Re: [JoPP-Public] Book of Peer Production
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:44:47 +0000

> ​Hi all
> @Karin: many thanks for your work. It is really great and it means a lot to see this
> volume come to fruition. 

!!! thanks for all the care you put into this.

> @Johan: of course, congratulations to you and maxigas for this also. Please save a
> copy for me. I will email you privately about how to get it.

so, i have a bit more than 20 copies in Barcelona, and i think the rest are in
Gotheburg.  so for mail orders bother Johan, but if you are passing by Barcelona
you can also pick one up from me.  i also sold 7 at the Free Culture Forum here.

> @All: as discussed we should put the book up on the jopp site. The "projects" page
> currently describes itself as for projects "which we are not directly responsible for"
> such as surveys and translations, so either the book goes elsewhere or we change this
> description. It could go in "news" where the CFPs are posted but then there is
> a small risk that as we add more content it will lose visibility. I am leaning towards
> this second option so we can keep "projects" for outside contributions. What do the
> book editors think?

my opinion is that we should make physical volumes a "project", even in the
sense that anybody not associated with the journal can make one (of course
ideally they coordinate with us).

i have two ideas how to help making more physical editions:

1. economic: we keep selling this volume and if we sell all, then the anon VC
gets his ivestment back and there is some leftover money.  we keep the leftover
money with a trustee and make it available to finance the next print run of
another hardcopy project.  i think this is important because it was quite
difficult to find the initial money to put into this printing.

2. technical: the pdf generator on the site gave us a lot of headaches and it
should be phased out.  at the same time there is a renewed web-to-print movement
around open source publishing tools, as far as i understand pioneered by Contanz
(a group based in Brussels) and also pushed by Manufactura Independente in
Lisbon.  so we should hook up with these people and see how to implement a
system where the user can cherry pick the articles she wants to see in hardcopy,
upload a cover and fill out a colophon, etc. and get a pdf ready to print.  this
would allow people to easily produce readers for conferences, print the new
issue, etc.

from these two, 1. is a matter of decision, time and persistence to sell the
anthology and 2. needs more thought and actual work.  i am happy to take on
2. tenatively and in the middle term, especially if there are a few people who
are willing to work me on it, and of course if you think it is a good idea.

ps: i would like to see the next hardcopy made with open source tools, fonts,
etc. as well, possibly printed by a cooperative, etc. so that the form is true
to the content...

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: jopp-public-bounces at lists.ourproject.org
> <jopp-public-bounces at lists.ourproject.org> on behalf of Johan Söderberg
> <johan.soderberg at sts.gu.se>
> Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 9:02
> To: jopp-public at lists.ourproject.org
> Cc: Karin Sjöberg [Karin.Sjoberg at ramboll.se]
> Subject: [JoPP-Public] Book of Peer Production
> Hi,
> As part of our JoPP outreach program, we released a printed version at FSCONS,
> Göteborg, called "Book of Peer Production" with chapters from (most) of the
> contributing speakers, and a few others (Adrian Smith, Johan Söderberg, Mathieu O'Neil,
> George Dafermos, Austin Toombs, Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey Bardzell & Maxigas), and the
> layout done by volunteer Karin Sjöberg. The book was printed under the auspice of the
> laureated Nordic Summer University Press. The pdf-version is included with this mail,
> go ahead and distribute it as you see fit. We printed 125 copies, part of the cost was
> covered by the conference venue, part of it came from an undisclosed, private VC. The
> VC wants to recover his costs, however, so we had to sell the hard copies, about a
> fourth of them have been sold so far. If you want your own, very limited, special
> edition, dont hesitate to send me 5 euros + cost of transportation.
> /Johan
maxigas, kiberpunk
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