[ips-AUS] Fwd: Bootcamp

Pablo R. Ramis prramis en gmail.com
Lun Oct 19 13:56:25 CEST 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mercedes Arando <mercedes.arando en globant.com>
Date: 2015-10-16 13:23 GMT-03:00
Subject: Bootcamp
To: pablo ramis <prramis en gmail.com>

Hola Pablo,

驴C贸mo estas? Te comento que estamos haciendo dando cursos gratuistos sobre
diversas tecnolog铆as que duran un mes y son de modalidad virtual. Me
pareci贸 que puede ser de inter茅s para los alumnos y es por ello que te
comparto aqu铆 abajo el afieche (para que puedan pegar en las carteleras) y
el link AQUI
compartirlo en las redes sociales o emails.
En caso de tener alguna consulta, no dudes en escribirme.


View Online
<http://bit.ly/giftedcoders2>NEW EDITION!


*Mutant abilities required:*
-  Be a student of System Engineering
or similar.
(3rd year or above).
- Intermediate / Advanced English
- Wants to work full time
- Full Commitment to the Bootcamp

Buenos Aires, Rosario, C贸rdoba y La Plata..


If you have questions, please write to mercedes.arando en globant.com
<https://www.facebook.com/Globant> <http://www.twitter.com/globant>
<http://www.youtube.com/Globant> <http://www.linkedin.com/company/globant>
<http://www.pinterest.com/globant/>[image: Foursquare]
<https://foursquare.com/globant>[image: G+]
<https://plus.google.com/+GlobantPlus/>[image: instagram]
<http://instagram.com/globantpics>[image: slideshare]
<http://www.slideshare.net/globant/> <http://www.globant.com/>(c) 2015
Globant. All rights reserved*ABOUT GLOBANT* We are a new-breed technology
services provider focused on delivering innovative software solutions by
leveraging emerging technologies and trends. We combine the engineering and
technical rigor of IT services providers with the creative approach and
culture of digital agencies. Globant is the place where engineering, design
and innovation meet scale. For more information, www.globant.com


*Mercedes Arando* | Recruiting & Communications Analyst*GLOBANT* | AR: +54
11 4109 1700 ext. 17654 | US: +1 877 215 5230 ext. 17654 |[image: Facebook]
<https://www.facebook.com/Globant>[image: Twitter]
<http://www.twitter.com/globant>[image: Youtube]
<http://www.youtube.com/Globant>[image: Linkedin]
<http://www.linkedin.com/company/globant>[image: Pinterest]
<http://pinterest.com/globant/>[image: Globant] <http://www.globant.com/>
<https://www.youtube.com/embed/QXxbkQX1EIw>Conoc茅 c贸mo ellos hicieron
carrera en Globant www.tucarreraenglobant.com

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por error le agradeceremos notificarnos por e-mail inmediatamente y
eliminarlo de su sistema. Muchas gracias.


"Cuando un hombre est煤pido hace algo que le averg眉enza, siempre dice que
cumple con su deber"
Geoge B. Shaw (1856-1950)
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