Helm-swoop with evil-search-forward

Leo Alekseyev dnquark at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 08:59:06 CET 2014

Hi all,
I recently started experimenting with Helm and various Helm-based plugins.
 One that I like quite a bit is helm-swoop [1], which can be thought of as
a combination of isearch and occur.  I'm particularly intrigued by the
possibility to drop into helm-swoop from isearch [2]; this has proven quite
useful for me.  However, this functionality doesn't work when I invoke
search using "/", i.e. evil-search-forward.  My buffer ends up in a
recursive edit state, and the search string doesn't get sent to helm-swoop

Might someone here be familiar with helm-swoop and knows how to make it
work with evil, or at least have suggestions about how to best debug?  If
not, is it possible to just remap "/" to isearch (I still don't have a
clear understanding of how evil-search-forward with isearch as a search
module is different from invoking isearch via C-s)?


[1] https://github.com/ShingoFukuyama/helm-swoop
[2] here is the elisp from helm-swoop.el which enables this functionality:
(defun helm-swoop-from-isearch ()
  "Invoke `helm-swoop' from isearch."
  (let (($query (if isearch-regexp
                  (regexp-quote isearch-string))))
    (helm-swoop :$query $query)))
;; When doing isearch, hand the word over to helm-swoop
(define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "M-i") 'helm-swoop-from-isearch)
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