Strange visual selection in scheme mode

Sanel Zukan sanelz at
Thu Jan 3 15:00:00 CET 2013

> Anyhow, I commited some changes  to the block highlighting code and to
 > the code that executes commands on a block. Now the visual selection
 > should match exactly the region that a command would work on.
 > Maybe these changes fix your problem, too. It would be nice if you
 > could check this. If the problem remains, we have to investigate
 > further ...

Did a quick check and works now :) But, there is small issue with
cursor position; at I
put comparison evil (left) and vim (right).

In evil, during visual selection, when cursor is moved from left to
right, selection box in line where is cursor, is 2-3 cursors ahead of
cursor itself. Probably it has to do with indenting, as evil correctly
calculates minimal selection box but cursor is moved behind indent
bounds. In vim, cursor (in selection box) respects indent bounds.

> Ah, and happy new year  everyone!

I'm joining with best wishes in this year :)

> Btw, I think 1.0 could be  release in the next days. At least, there are
 > no pending issues left that really should go into 1.0, IMHO.

Cool! Thanks for the info.


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