how to change key bindings for evil-ex interactive function

Frank Fischer frank-fischer at
Mon Dec 30 13:08:49 CET 2013

Am 30.12.2013 03:23, schrieb jenia ivlev:
> I want to be able to scroll the ex history using \M-p key.
> That is if i press ":%s/blabla/helloworld/gcI"
> and later ":\M-p" i want the above to appear.
> So something like this:
> (define-key-evil minibuffer-local-map "\M-p" 'function-that-i-want-to-call)

The correct keymap in the development version (e.g. the MELPA version or
the master branch of the git repository) is evil-ex-completion-map. The
default bindings are defined in evil-maps.el


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