Hooks not working

BoSa chillimac at freenet.de
Mon Dec 23 19:10:04 CET 2013

Frank Fischer wrote:
> It's probably easier to put the
> keybindings in the appropriate local maps

That's more or less currently my solution i
ended with:

(evil-define-key 'normal org-mode-map
  (kbd "}") 'org-cycle
  (kbd "gu") ....)

Works still flawlessly.

> This is a know problem.
Oh, ok. Already tried to find out something about this
in the mailing list but didn't find anything.

I've seen my first solution also in some dotfile
on github, thus i thought it is commonly used and
should work. I've also seen some nifty tricks there

(setq evil-normal-state-tag
  (propertize "N" 'face '((:background "green"))))

which isn't mentioned in the documentation.
Aren't those tag variables meant for use by
the user? Maybe i'm wrong, but i suspect there
are some evil functions and variables missing
in the documentation.

Anyway, keep on the good work! Finally
turning the finger shattering editor inside a
great OS into a shining component :).


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