Insert mode - point doesn't move to next line

Frank Fischer frank-fischer at
Wed Oct 31 14:52:01 CET 2012

On 2012-10-31, aditya siram <aditya.siram at> wrote:
> The problem is still occurring even in the emacs that pops up to run
> the tests. But it's pretty odd. I edebugged evil-ret, I can see that
> it correctly moves point to the next line, but just after the function
> returns point moves right back to beginning the first line so the
> problem isn't evil-ret.
> I was able to reproduce the problem by replacing step 4 with `M-x
> newline`. However this problem does not occur if I move to emacs-mode
> temporarily and hit return. Does evil-ret somehow change a global
> variable that `newline` depends on?

The problem has been the last-line adjustment of evil (see another
recent thread in this mailing list for a description). This adjustment
happens in a post-command-hook. But it has been removed in commit
f45a6d9 (git) resp. 394e8be (hg). That's why we assume that your tree
has not been updated correctly. Please do the following steps:

1. update your tree (maybe create a new fresh clone)
2. remove *all* compiled files (`make clean')
3. check with 'make term' or 'make emacs'
4. if the error still occurs, check with 'grep evil-with-adjust-cursor
   *.el' whether `evil-with-adjust-cursor' appears somewhere in the code,
   if so then your tree has not been updated correctly to the latest
5. please tell us your Emacs version and revision you use

Currently I'm not able to reproduce the problem, so I can't help you.


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