
damien.thiriet77 damien.thiriet77 at
Sun Nov 18 00:55:46 CET 2012


I have to change my keyboard layout when switching from french bépo to Polish layout, that I use only for writing text in emacs. Unfortunately, these changes are quite messing, since most apps I use are vimish like. I made a minor-mode dedicated to Polish and I would like to use insert-map to switch the keyboard layout in an quite unorthodox way. Unfortunately, (define-key evil-insert-local-map "e" '(quote a)) does not work. According to define-key doc, DEF should be a string that can be called interactively. What shall I do? Is there a way to make such a (indeed weird) mapping?

I know this sounds quite crazy, but it would really be a great spare of time (I wouldn’t have to change configuration of other apps, and per-window keyboard layout switch on linux is complicated since I am using my own keyboard layouts, calling emacs in -nw and changing the layout in zsh is precisely the thing I would like to avoid, because of my vimish bindings)!


Damien Thiriet

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