Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "\"Domaine\": pattern not found")

Guido Van Hoecke guivho at
Thu Nov 1 09:58:00 CET 2012


On 1 November 2012 09:13, Frank Fischer <frank-fischer at> wrote:
> On 2012-10-19, Guido Van Hoecke <guivho at> wrote:
>> How can I just get a message in the mini-buffer?
>> I failed to find a variable that I can set to control this behavior.
> Hm, this should not happen. In particular, the debugger should not
> step in, unless the variables `debug-on-error' and/or

Oops, I completely forgot that I turned this on some time ago while
chasing after another problem.

Kind of embarassing :(

Thanks for your reply.

With kind regards,


A horse!  A horse!  My kingdom for a horse!
		-- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI" ... and go2 places!

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