Sequence of custom-set-variables and Evil init

Frank Fischer frank.fischer at
Wed May 23 11:54:59 CEST 2012

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 06:59:48PM -0400, Barry OReilly wrote:
> I'm not sure whether to place the custom-set-variables call before or after
> initializing Evil.  Some customizations only work before Evil
> initialization, some after.
> For example,
>     (custom-set-variables
>         '(evil-overriding-maps nil))
> doesn't work correctly if after Evil init.
>     (custom-set-variables
>         '(evil-search-module (quote evil-search)))
> doesn't work correctly if before evil init.
> Which way is it supposed to be?  If I leave them separated, Emacs
> consolidates them into one again when I use its customization interface.

In general placing them after initializing evil is the way to do,
otherwise some variables could not be set because they require other
parts of evil to be present. But currently some customization
variables (like `evil-overriding-maps') need a much more sophisticated
set-function because their values are used in non-trivial ways. I'm
working on a patch but this customization-stuff is quite tricky so it
will take a few days.

In the meantime you could use (setq evil-overriding-maps nil) before
*loading* evil to achieve the same results (I think ;)).


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