Vim switch buffer

Michael Markert markert.michael at
Fri Jul 27 05:57:08 CEST 2012

Hi Petch,

On Fri, Jul 27 2012 (04:54), Petch Wannissorn <petchw at> wrote: 

>   I notice that ':vs' splits screen vertically and C-W, H/L switches to the
> left/right buffers and they work wonder.
> I would like to know what is the proper way to rebind the buffer switching?
> I.e. I just want to do C-H instead of C-W, H to switch to the left pane.

First, terminology: You want to switch the window not the buffer.

To use the binding only in normal state you can use

   (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "C-S-h") 'evil-window-left)
and analogously 

   (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "C-S-l") 'evil-window-right)

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