evil-mode has led my cursor to the dark side!

Frank Fischer frank-fischer at shadow-soft.de
Tue Jul 17 09:03:56 CEST 2012

On 2012-07-16, Michael Markert <markert.michael at googlemail.com> wrote:
> For a less makeshift version I'd suggest either
> 1) change the default value of `evil-default-cursor' to nil and evaluate
>    the code above instead always if `evil-default-cursor' is nil

I would go with this, setting the default value to either nil or t
(the latter should enforce the current frame-parameter value, so
probably nil is better). To be honest, I have no idea why we've once
set the default value to "black", which is certainly a bad idea when
dealing with color themes. So please check if something strange
happens I'm currently not aware of, otherwise we're going to change
the default.


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