shift-TAB in normal mode appears broken in terminal
Frank Fischer
frank.fischer at
Sat Jan 21 09:54:31 CET 2012
Am Sat, 21 Jan 2012 01:37:11 -0600
schrieb Leo Alekseyev <dnquark at>:
> I've been having trouble with TAB and shift-TAB keys when running Evil
> in a terminal. I use these for org-outline-cycling, and given the
> amount of time I spend in org-mode, they are important to me. I
> undefined the TAB key using Frank's recipe from a couple of weeks ago,
> but I can't figure out what's going on with shift-TAB in normal mode.
> C-h k reports it as ESC, but IIRC it's a known bug. Can anyone shed
> light on the issue?
If you use the latest version C-h k should do the right thing, even in
terminal mode. Furthermore I can't reproduce the error, but be aware of
different terminal type. For example, in my xterm which is set to
$ echo $TERM
and the "make terminal" in evil's source directory, C-h k TAB shows
"TAB runs the command evil-jump-forward ..."
and C-h k shift-TAB shows the message "<backtab> is undefined", i.e. no
ESC key but not bound to some command. On the other hand if I do the
same in the console
$ echo $TERM
shift-TAB shows exactly the same as TAB, i.e. the shift key does not
make any difference and is not recognized by Emacs. Therefore please
tell us the Emacs version, evil version AND the OS and terminal you
use, also if you use terminal multiplexers like tmux or screen, they
all can make a difference.
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