A couple of questions

José A. Romero L. escherdragon at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 10:38:11 CET 2012

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Frank Fischer
<frank.fischer at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:
> I think you need to set `evil-want-C-u-scroll' to t *before* evil is
> loaded in your .emacs file, i.e., something like (setq
> evil-want-C-u-scroll t). The reason is that this variable is examined
> when evil creates its key-bindings (and only then). Probably we need a
> better way to respect the customization options (I would consider the
> current behavior as bug).

Maybe not necessarily a bug, but it's for sure an annoyance: when
using M-x customize-variable to set `evil-want-C-u-scroll' it won't
work as long as you don't move your `custom-set-variables' block to
somewhere before evil is required in your .emacs file.

>> Second, I am wondering about the behavior of :q . It seems to me that it
>> behaves more like :qa does in vim. According to vim documentation,
>> :q[uit] should "Quit the current window.  Quit Vim if this is the last
>> window.". So I guess it should be similar to kill-buffer in emacs, no?
> kill-buffer would not only close the window but also close the file
> and this is not what :q should do. :q in evil closes the current
> window or the current frame (if only one window) or Emacs completely
> (if only one frame), without closing any file (except in last case, of
> course). :qa on the other hand closes Emacs completely (possibly
> asking for saving modified buffers). I think this is equivalent to
> Vim's behavior.

I don't know why, but I could never get used to the way Vi's :q works
on Emacs. I just doesn't feel right (that is, to me -- it's a
completely personal thing, I suppose). Fortunately C-x k [RET] is
exactly the same number of keystrokes ;-)

José A. Romero L.
escherdragon at gmail.com
"We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals."
(Quarry worker's creed)

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