Evil and package.el

Frank Fischer frank-fischer at shadow-soft.de
Tue Aug 7 21:01:42 CEST 2012

Am Tue, 7 Aug 2012 05:07:18 -0400
schrieb Trevor Murphy <trevor.m.murphy at gmail.com>:

> Hi.
> Not sure if anybody else is using package.el to install Evil, but I
> noticed an issue.
> First up, the autoload cookie on evil-mode seems to be out of date
> (points to the wrong file, and near as I can tell it confuses Emacs
> because evil-mode is defined by a macro not a defun).

Could you please provide an example how it confuses Emacs? The autoload
cookie is defined as it is by intention (except that the
interactive-mark (fourth argument to autoload) is missing), i.e. the
function and the cookie are defined in evil-core.el but the file to be
loaded is evil.el. I'm using package.el and I did not observe any
problems with that. The autoload file `evil-autoload.el' is generated
and used correctly.

> That's a pretty small fix, but the bigger issue is this. Seems that
> even once the autoload cookie is corrected the package still won't
> load correctly with an M-x evil-mode or after-init-hook.

Sure, because evil.el has to be loaded.


Frank Fischer
Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Mathematics
eMail: frank.fischer at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de
Tel.: +49 (371) 531-36913

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