CJK support makes evil-forward-word-begin slow

Vegard Øye vegard_oye at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 1 10:02:24 CEST 2012

On 2012-07-31 22:11 +0200, Frank Fischer wrote:

> The problem is that evil does a lot of cleanup work after each
> single command (usually in post-command-hooks, for example the
> repeat-system and cursor adjustment at the eol and eob).

Nikolai, could you test the above theory by evaluating the following
forms in the *scratch* buffer? Does Emacs become snappier? Can you
isolate it to one of the forms?

    (defun evil-repeat-pre-hook (&rest args))
    (defun evil-repeat-post-hook (&rest args))
    (defun evil-post-command-hook (&rest args))
    (defun evil-refresh-cursor (&rest args))

Also, what is the output of "C-h v pre-command-hook" and
"C-h v post-command-hook"?


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