Evil experiences

York Zhao gtdplatform at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 01:16:29 CEST 2011

> Think of editing CSV files and you don't do the same every time so a
> macro is not helpful. But moving to the next separator is. And I can
> easily repeat it, hey even in the opposite direction in case I did
> wrong!

True enough, being able to repeat in this scenario will be handy, then use ",,"
for "," for example maybe a compromise?

> The shadowing part should be clear, but I'll drop an example: You shadow
> `find-char' and have some tedious repetitious task, say with CSV files:
> Find the third field and enter something. Unless you have some complex
> data (e.g. escaped field separators), you're fine with a macro and
> `find-char'.

Again, maybe ",," can be a compromise.

> I'm not saying that you go wrong here, just wanted to shed some light on
> the issue.

Sometimes you have to lose something in order to get something, this is life.


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