Evil experiences

Michael Markert markert.michael at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 12 19:41:33 CEST 2011

On 11 Sep 2011, York Zhao wrote:

>> Well then no problem. I like `find-char' because it's (reliable)
>> repeatable and used `,' as a leader-key for long time myself and
>> didn't notice that it's easy repeatable backwards, too.
> Sorry I don't get what you mean, could you explain it a little more?

What exactly? The `f' being repeatable part? Or that shadowing can be
bad, especially if you think "no way I'm gonna need that", part?

What I mean by "`f' is repeatable" is, that it has a well defined
meaning if I repeat it: Just go to next char as you already did the time
before. It doesn't make sense for ace-jump.

Think of editing CSV files and you don't do the same every time so a
macro is not helpful. But moving to the next separator is. And I can
easily repeat it, hey even in the opposite direction in case I did

The shadowing part should be clear, but I'll drop an example: You shadow
`find-char' and have some tedious repetitious task, say with CSV files:
Find the third field and enter something. Unless you have some complex
data (e.g. escaped field separators), you're fine with a macro and

I'm not saying that you go wrong here, just wanted to shed some light on
the issue.

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