Evil experiences

York Zhao gtdplatform at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 19:22:37 CEST 2011

> Well then no problem. I like `find-char' because it's (reliable)
> repeatable and used `,' as a leader-key for long time myself and didn't
> notice that it's easy repeatable backwards, too.

Sorry I don't get what you mean, could you explain it a little more?

>> The only problem I'm having with binding "f" to "ace-jump-in-line" is
>> that "cf<char>" and "df<char> do not work if there are more than one
>> <char> in that line after or before the point in which case I have to
>> type an additional "move key". In this case I have to use "vf<char>"
>> followed by "c" or "d". I don't even know if it is possible to solve
>> this and I really hope that Evil can handle this.
> You could try by defining it as a `evil-motion' (via
> `evil-define-motion'), maybe alike `evil-find-char'.

No, that didn't help, here was what's in my .emacs file.

(evil-declare-motion 'ace-jump-char-forward-in-line-mode)

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