Swapping "i" and "e" causes "ds" and "cs" to stop working
York Zhao
gtdplatform at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 18:57:50 CEST 2011
>>> With the above in place, it might be more fitting to move text
>>> objects from Motion state to Visual state and Operator-Pending
>>> state (instead of having the latter two inherit from the former).
>> It might be a good idea but is it going to cause all the modes in
>> evil-motion-state to lose the ability to use texe objects?
> And this has been done in commit 4210051.
> No, it won't lose anything because text objects have no function in
> Motion state /per se/. What you probably want to do (and this is still
> possible) is to create a Visual selection in a buffer that came up in
> Motion state (e.g., "viwiw"). But this calls the text object ("iw") in
> Visual state, not Motion state; if you were to call a text object in
> Motion state, nothing would happen.
> The only reason text objects were bound in `evil-motion-state-map' was
> so that Visual state and Operator-Pending state could inherit the
> bindings from that keymap. Now that text objects bindings have their
> own keymaps, this is no longer necessary.
Thanks for the explanation.
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