Swapping "i" and "e" causes "ds" and "cs" to stop working

Vegard Øye vegard_oye at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 4 12:53:21 CEST 2011

On 2011-09-01 18:38 +0200, York Zhao wrote:

> On 2011-09-01 14:18 +0200, Vegard Øye wrote:
>> With the above in place, it might be more fitting to move text
>> objects from Motion state to Visual state and Operator-Pending
>> state (instead of having the latter two inherit from the former).
> It might be a good idea but is it going to cause all the modes in
> evil-motion-state to lose the ability to use texe objects?

And this has been done in commit 4210051.

No, it won't lose anything because text objects have no function in
Motion state /per se/. What you probably want to do (and this is still
possible) is to create a Visual selection in a buffer that came up in
Motion state (e.g., "viwiw"). But this calls the text object ("iw") in
Visual state, not Motion state; if you were to call a text object in
Motion state, nothing would happen.

The only reason text objects were bound in `evil-motion-state-map' was
so that Visual state and Operator-Pending state could inherit the
bindings from that keymap. Now that text objects bindings have their
own keymaps, this is no longer necessary.


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