"yy" doesn't work in motion state

York Zhao gtdplatform at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 18:59:42 CEST 2011

>> I just noticed that "yy" doesn't work in motion state.
> That's true. The reason is that "y" is an operator like "d" or "c" and
> in motion state only motions are active. Of course, "y" is one of the
> spare non-editing operators and therefore could be enabled in motion
> state. Perhaps we should do this by default.

Thanks for your reply, if there is no harm having "y" binded in motion state I
don't see why we shouldn't do this by default, unless there are other better

> Meanwhile, you may just use
> (define-key evil-motion-state-map "y" 'evil-yank)
> to get "y" working in motion-state.

Thanks, I'll do this for the memoment before you guys decided the best solution.


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