Toggling evil-local-mode off when updating buffers with magit

Nikolai Weibull now at
Thu Nov 17 10:29:45 CET 2011

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:23, Frank Fischer
<frank.fischer at> wrote:
> Oh, and it is a good idea to use evil's issue tracker at
> because otherwise we may easily forget some issue if we can't (or
> want) to tackle them immediately.

Sure, but in this case I’m still not clear if this is a problem with
Evil or not.  The problem is that revert-buffer is told to not restore
local modes.  The question is thus whether magit is doing things right
by not restoring local modes and Evil shouldn’t be using a local mode
or if it’s the other way around.  If it’s the other way around, I
should be posting a bug on the magit tracker instead.

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