open & edit current buffer in gvim

Isaac Xin Pei ip at
Sat May 28 22:52:54 CEST 2011

Hello everyone,

here is a function that I am using to open the current buffer in gvim for 
editing. It's no ideal, would need your help/suggestion to make the following 

1. gvim starts without loading my color theme and vimrc settings
    - even though I tried to supply the -u option (where the concat ...), but it 
result in an error
2. how to inform emacs to reopen this file once editing is done in gvim, I tried 
several ways, but no succes

thanks a lot! - Isaac

-- lisp code --
(defun gvim-current-buffer ()
  "Open current buffer file in gvim, after editing, reopen in emacs"
  (let (
	(gvim-program "C:/Program Files (x86)/Vim/vim73/gvim.exe")
	(gvim-file-name (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
;	(gvim-file-name-and-options (concat "-u " (buffer-file-name (current-
buffer))) )
 (if gvim-file-name
       (kill-buffer (current-buffer) )
       (setq result (start-process gvim-program nil gvim-program gvim-file-
   (error "Current buffer doesn't point to a file yet"))
 (unless result (find-file gvim-file-name)))

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