The dot Command not able to repeat text inserted by "Auto-complete"

Frank Fischer frank.fischer at
Mon Aug 22 21:18:13 CEST 2011

Am Mon, 22 Aug 2011 12:19:14 -0400
schrieb York Zhao <gtdplatform at>:

> > The easy one (I haven't fixed yet) is the following. pop-repeat
> > works by using undo to unrepeat the repeated command and then
> > replay the next command in the repeat ring. The problem arises if
> > the first repeated command (the one that should be reverted and
> > replaced by the next one) did not perform any change in the buffer.
> > In this case no undo information is recored und the call to
> > `evil-pop-repeat', which just undos the last command would undo not
> > the repeated command (because this one did not do anything) but the
> > command before that. That's the reason why you may end up with an
> > empty *scratch* buffer - the insertion of the inserted text is
> > actually reverted accidentally. Well, this should not be too
> > difficult to fix.
> The version I'm current using is commit "b46489" which I'm not sure
> should have the fix for the first problem. But it seems to be working
> better now except that there are still issues:

The first problem is still unfixed. The second one is undecided ;)

> - make emacs
> - C-h k M-. (This splits horizontally into two windows with the
> original one on
> - the left side and a help window on the right side.
> - Type "i"
> - Type "aaa"
> - Type ESC
> - Type "a"
> - Type "bbb"
> - Type ESC
> - Type "."
> - Type "C-." a few more times and you will get the buffer messed up

You ran again in both problems: C-h k M-. is a command which should be
abort recording of repeat information (second issue). The repeated use
of C-. runs in the undo-problematic because C-h k M-. is *not* an
editor command and hence does not change the buffer (first issue). 

> > the second issue is much more serious and probably impossible to do
> > right.
> Let's see how it goes
> Also I noticed that "M-." never has any effect, maybe I'm missing
> anything here?

No, that's a bug.


Frank Fischer
Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Mathematics
eMail: frank.fischer at
Tel.: +49 (371) 531-36913

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