
Vegard Øye vegard_oye at
Sat Aug 20 16:00:00 CEST 2011

On 2011-08-20 15:18 +0200, York Zhao wrote:

> I suggest moving "compilation-mode" from emacs state to motion state
> and bind "c" to `recompile' (was "g"). ... I also suggest adding
> command-history-mode and calendar-mode to motion state, how do you
> guys think?

Indeed. Instead of listing all non-editing modes in
`evil-emacs-state-modes', a better setting would in many cases be to
make the mode come up in Motion state, but with priority /over/ Motion
state's bindings. The keymap order then becomes:

    <compilation-mode bindings>
    <Motion state bindings>

The point is that we get all of compilation-mode's bindings without
having to disable Evil's keymaps entirely. This is actually how Dired
is set up, although it comes up in Normal state instead of Motion

In some cases, one may want to add a custom set of bindings on top of
that to protect "h", "j", "k" and "l":

    <vi bindings for "h"/"j"/"k"/"l">
    <compilation-mode bindings>
    <Motion state bindings>

Replacement bindings for "h", "j", "k" and "l" can be added too:

    <vi bindings for "h"/"j"/"k"/"l"
     plus replacement bindings>
    <compilation-mode bindings>
    <Motion state bindings>

All of this this could be automated with a function (with the
exception of replacement bindings, which have to be chosen carefully).
The function would take the mode's keymap as an argument and set it up
like above, and maybe provide an ADD-HJKL option for protecting the
"core motions".


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