'ga' command doesn't work

Tim Harper timcharper at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 23:26:46 CEST 2011

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 6:58 AM, York Zhao <gtdplatform at gmail.com> wrote:

> Never mind, just registered a new user and I can edit the page now. I've
> corrected a typing mistake in the bug "bn works, but bp doesn’t<https://gitorious.org/vimpulse/pages/Bugs#bn+works,+but+bp+doesn't>
> ".
> By the way, I'm very new to emacs and lisp and couldn't find in the source
> code where the ex command ":bn" is being handled. Could anybody here give me
> some idea?

Hey York,

The ex commands are stored in an association list (which is a key-value like
data structure composed by a list of cells).

"bn" is an abbreviation for bnext.  Run this:

(assoc "bnext" ex-token-alist)
;; ("bnext" "next")

So it's an alias... resolve again:

(assoc "next" ex-token-alist)
;; ("next" (ex-next ex-cycle-other-window))

So when you run the command "bn", ex expands to "bnext", then "next", and
finally evaluates the code (ex-next ex-cycle-other-window)

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