Strange visual-line bug

Vegard Øye vegard_oye at
Wed Jul 21 11:38:46 CEST 2010

On 2010-07-20 16:12, Tim Harper wrote:

> I don't know exactly how to reproduce the bug, but have managed to
> record a video of it in action:

Hi Tim!

Welcome to the list, and thanks for the coolest bug report so far :)

Let's get the basics out of the way first. Is that Aquamacs (what
version?), and are you using the latest developmental commit of

I don't know exactly why this happens, but I've been able to reproduce
it by injecting a "bad value" into one of Visual mode's buffer-local
variables. It seems that somehow Visual mode isn't deactivated
properly and that a faulty variable causes problems upon reactivation.
The variable is remembered across Visual sessions, giving rise to a
persistent "buggy state". Furthermore, as the restoration of the
previous selection occurs in `post-command-hook' -- after hl-line-mode
et al. have refreshed their own highlighting -- the other modes aren't
able to pick up on it, and so their highlighting doesn't coincide with
Visual mode's.

Commit [9d1af90898] should be more robust with regard to such values.
Let me know if the bug persists.


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