[implementations-list] Re: vimpulse
Alessandro Piras
laynor at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 13:31:57 CEST 2009
Hi Fabian,
I was looking at the viper source code to see how to add the '<,'>
functionality to ex commands. It turns out it's quite boring to add it.
Viper does not recognize the '< and '> marks, and the characters recognized
as mark identifiers are hard coded in the ex command parser. I could easily
change the parser to let it recognize '< '>, but that would be yet another
viper function redefinition. I also think I'd have to change it in other
places, like in the ' command, and god knows where else (as there are also
other functions that check if the character is a valid mark, and it seems
viper uses some sort of registers (the same code used for "a "b etc) to
store markers.
To avoid another redefinition, I can do 2 things:
- put the line numbers that identify the current visual selection
automatically after ":" - this would work almost the same, but then you
would have to remember the line numbers if you want to issue a second
command on the visual selection after it is turned off
- use two marks, for example y and z, instead of < and >, and automatically
put 'y,'z after the : when : is issued in visual mode.
By the way, I'm forwarding this mail to the mailing list, so to hear other
opinions too. I also invite you to subscribe to the mailing list, and direct
your feature/fix requests there :)
2009/6/30 Fabian Braennstroem <f.braennstroem at gmx.de>
> Hi Alessandro,
> Alessandro Piras wrote:
>> thanks for the suggestions! :)
>> ex support is still bad in vimpulse, the code is at least 2 years old, and
>> we didn't work much on it, but that will be on the schedule :)
> Sounds nice! I am quite happy, that I saw the new start ... somehow, I was
> afraid, that it will stay at the current status (which was quite good) .
> Best Regards!
> Fabian
> Ciao,
>> Alessandro
>> 2009/6/29 Fabian Braennstroem <f.braennstroem at gmx.de <mailto:
>> f.braennstroem at gmx.de>>
>> Hi Alessandro,
>> thanks a lot! That is really great!
>> One or two more suggestions I got, is the adjustment of the search
>> using:
>> set ignorecase
>> set smartcase
>> in vim and running commands on the visual region like:
>> :'<,'>s/test/TEST/
>> in vim :-)
>> Best Regards!
>> Fabian
>> Alessandro Piras wrote:
>> Hi Fabian,
>> unluckily, the emacs commands <do-something>-region don't work
>> at all with the new visual selection, at least for the moment.
>> I'll try to explain why. The region is the area between the mark
>> and the point. there are quite a lot of functions that can be
>> used to identify those two ends, I really don't know why. I
>> tried at first to override region-beginning and region-end, and
>> some command worked, and some didn't. I tried to override point
>> and mark, and some other function worked, and some didn't.
>> suffice is to say, there's no clean method to make those
>> commands work automatically. There basically are 3 options:
>> a) Move the mark and the point at the exit of visual mode, so to
>> highlight the region. I really don't like this method at all
>> b) Provide an explicit command to exit visual selection mode and
>> activate the region, so you can use the region-related commands
>> c) instead of using region-related commands, like comment-region
>> and uncomment-region, you provide your own commands that operate
>> on the visual selection (implemented using the region commands,
>> possibly).
>> I'll give you a quick solution using the method 3, as it's the
>> one that I would use in that case :)
>> (define-key viper-vi-global-user-map (kbd "\\\]")
>> 'my-vimpulse-comment-region)
>> (define-key viper-vi-global-user-map (kbd "\\,")
>> 'my-vimpulse-uncomment-region)
>> (defun my-vimpulse-comment-region ()
>> (interactive)
>> (comment-region (vimpulse-get-vs-start) (vimpulse-get-vs-end))
>> (vimpulse-visual-mode nil))
>> (defun my-vimpulse-uncomment-region ()
>> (interactive)
>> (uncomment-region (vimpulse-get-vs-start) (vimpulse-get-vs-end))
>> (vimpulse-visual-mode nil))
>> You can go further than this. As most (maybe all?) emacs region
>> related commands have the syntax (command region-begin
>> region-end), it's possible to convert commands in a more
>> abstract way:
>> (defmacro vimpulse-region-command (function)
>> `(lambda ()
>> (interactive)
>> (,function (vimpulse-get-vs-start) (vimpulse-get-vs-end))
>> (vimpulse-visual-mode nil)))
>> (define-key vimpulse-vi-global-user-map "\\\]"
>> (vimpulse-region-command comment-region))
>> (define-key vimpulse-vi-global-user-map "\\,"
>> (vimpulse-region-command uncomment-region))
>> As this macro seems to be of general interest, I'll add it to
>> vimpulse's helper functions :)
>> Thanks for your feedback!
>> Alessandro
>> 2009/6/28 Fabian Braennstroem <f.braennstroem at gmx.de
>> <mailto:f.braennstroem at gmx.de> <mailto:f.braennstroem at gmx.de
>> <mailto:f.braennstroem at gmx.de>>>
>> Hi Alessandro,
>> I just saw the new vimpulse release and that you took the
>> maintaining :-) This is really great! I had to test the new
>> release
>> right away and like the new visual behavior.
>> Right now, I got a short comment about the visual mode. I use
>> quite
>> a lot the command 'comment-region' to place comment characters
>> in
>> the first column of the whole visual region. This works with
>> the new
>> visual mode as well, but unfortunately it seems to behave in
>> the old
>> release style, which means that the last marked line does not
>> get
>> commented out!?
>> (define-key viper-vi-global-user-map (kbd "\\\]")
>> 'comment-region)
>> (define-key viper-vi-global-user-map (kbd "\\,")
>> 'uncomment-region)
>> Do you have a hint, how to fix this?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Fabian
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