[PeDAGoG] [REDlistserve] Exploring the impact of literacy in the making of ANTHROPOCENTRIC 'MODERN' HUMANS

Mofwoofoo mofwoofoo at gmail.com
Mon May 30 03:31:06 CEST 2022

I believe that if humanity is ever going to get it right and create a world
of peace, justice, liberty, and abundance for all, humanity needs to
understand who each one of us is, that is, we must move from the belief
that it is our individuation, i.e. the ego or personality that is who we
are, to a more profound and accurate comprehension which is that not only
are we individuated, but at the same time we are all a part of the tree of
life, and in particular, the branch of homo sapiens. This is easy to see
from this metaphor: How foolish it would be if a leaf had consciousness and
believed it was only a leaf without realizing that it is also a part of a

Once this realization saturates humanity, it will be much more difficult
for everyone to accept the current atrocities that beset humanity every day
such as starvation, war, propaganda, poverty, etc. and much more likely to
create a more beautiful world that resides inside of everyone´s heart.

Unconditional love for everyone is not very difficult. One only needs to
love the divine that abides within all living beings and at the same time
abhore all asocial, cruel, and dishonest behavior. Simply separate the
action from the purity that may be buried or hidden, but that is inevitably
within each of us.

On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 6:34 PM Jinan K B <jinankb at gmail.com> wrote:

>     hello
> I am sending the recording of the talk on the impact of literacy on
> the formation of 'beingness'  https://youtu.be/pJebkr0DHKQ
> CONSEQUENCE OF LITERACY:  Exploring the impact of literacy in the
> Literates learn the WORD. Illiterates learn the WORLD.
> 1. Why the modern mind will find it difficult to understand this and
> how it will resist knowing facts.
> 2. Conscious Reasoning - the product of readymade knowledge,
> linearity, and sequentiality- the product of the printed word.
> 3. Formation of the mind: How do the world and the word shape the
> formation of illiterates and literates shape?
> 4. How does knowledge precedes knowing causing an ontological reversal?
> 5. How does it usher in the process of alienation - Body-mind
> fragmentation?
> 6. Indigenous and modern childhood: A Comparison,
> 7. Knowledge production and knowledge transfer,
> 8. Experiential language of illiterates and mentally created language
> of literates,
> 9. Presence and absence.
> Hope you will find time to reflect on the issues I have raised and
> engage in exploration with me.
> Thanking you
> --
> Jinan,
> http://kbjinan.in/ <http://jinankb.in/>
> http://ekfoundation.in/
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC80rT8Zj1EE8TrzD3UreYfQ
> www.re-cognition.org
> https://independent.academia.edu/JinanKodapully
> 09447121544
> --
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