[PeDAGoG] my blog on UNESCO's GEM Report on the privatization of education

Steven J. Klees sklees at umd.edu
Tue Jun 21 23:10:11 CEST 2022

Dear Colleagues,

FYI.  NORRAG (https://www.norrag.org/) just published a blog of mine on
UNESCO's 2021/22 Global Education Monitoring Report on non-state actors in
education.  The Report has some things to commend it but I find it falls
far short of what is needed as well as reflect on the privatization of
education more broadly.  A quote from my blog: "Privatization is a



Steven J. Klees

Former President and Honorary Fellow, Comparative and International
Education Society

University Distinguished Scholar-Teacher

Professor, International Education Policy Program

Affiliate Faculty, Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and
Sexuality Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Latin American Studies Center

Affiliate Faculty, Consortium on Race, Gender & Ethnicity

College of Education

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742



Recent Book:  *The Conscience of a Progressive*

Blog:  https://blog.umd.edu/stevenklees/

Co-founder: https://www.thealternativesproject.org/
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