[PeDAGoG] [EXT] Re: [REDlistserve] A new article on RED - "Is post-capitalism post-money"?

Anitra Nelson anitra.nelson at unimelb.edu.au
Tue Feb 15 22:43:55 CET 2022

Meenakshi, can you talk more about 'non-monetary currencies' — or show me a place at your site where you spell this out or show examples of it? Many thanks, Anitra

Associate Professor Anitra Nelson | Honorary Principal Fellow

Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute

Level 3, Melbourne School of Design, Massons Rd

The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia

Sustainable.unimelb.edu.au <https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsustainable.unimelb.edu.au%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C935be67151d14d12e2ac08d7da910d50%7Cd1323671cdbe4417b4d4bdb24b51316b%7C0%7C0%7C637218188841892031&sdata=zXVSmysoIXA8bywvkn5NqvFwfyfw0FyLaqqM79Wl%2Btw%3D&reserved=0> | twitter.com/MSSIMelb<https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FMSSIMelb&data=02%7C01%7C%7C935be67151d14d12e2ac08d7da910d50%7Cd1323671cdbe4417b4d4bdb24b51316b%7C0%7C0%7C637218188841902017&sdata=78dTXK74NMT2oMe4MHqVvgby0YkCyqZwugi%2FrdeHkWE%3D&reserved=0>

T: 0426 766 755 (+61 426 766 755)

E: anitra.nelson at unimelb.edu.au

W: https://anitranelson.info<https://anitranelson.info/>/

I respectfully acknowledge Elders past, present and future of the Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands I live and work.
Wish we were all 'its' — they/them/theirs/themself. Meanwhile I am cishet — she/her/her's/herself.
BOOK 2022 — Beyond Money: A Postcapitalist Strategy<https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745340111/beyond-money/>
BOOKS 2020 and 2021 — Exploring Degrowth<https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745342023/exploring-degrowth/> and Food for Degrowth<https://www.routledge.com/Food-for-Degrowth-Perspectives-and-Practices/Nelson-Edwards/p/book/9780367436469>
<https://www.routledge.com/Food-for-Degrowth-Perspectives-and-Practices/Nelson-Edwards/p/book/9780367436469>RECENT POST — 'Postcapitalism 2021'<https://www.ppesydney.net/postcapitalism-2021/>
From: Meenakshi Gupta <meenakshi at goonj.org>
Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2022 5:02 PM
To: Pallav Das <dpallav at gmail.com>
Cc: RED listserve <radical_ecological_democracy at googlegroups.com>; KV Full <kvenvironment at googlegroups.com>; Discussion list about emerging world social movement <wsm-discuss at lists.openspaceforum.net>; GTA Observers <global-tapestry-alternatives-observers at lists.riseup.net>; PeDAGoG: Post-Development Academic-Activist Global Group <gta-pedagog at lists.ourproject.org>; Vikalp Sangam elist <vikalp-sangam-list at googlegroups.com>; Anitra Nelson <anitra.nelson at unimelb.edu.au>
Subject: [EXT] Re: [REDlistserve] A new article on RED - "Is post-capitalism post-money"?

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Thanks for sharing, Ashish. This is quite interesting, especially because Goonj's work is very close to this thought, creating a barter between two new non monetary currencies; urban surplus material and people's efforts, wisdom and resources, to address their own neglected community issues. Across India the most missed out people self prioritise their problems and co-create solutions that are evolved from their own contexts, knowledge, efforts and natural resources.
Anitra - Thanks for this insightful piece. For development and disaster response work across the world, enabling and nourishing new non monetary currencies in this time of economic slowdown, is also strategically crucial.  More about Goonj on www.goonj.org <http://www.goonj.org> .

with best
Meenakshi Gupta
Co Founder GOONJ..
t:- 011-41401216, 26972351
Know more about our Rahat Covid 19 work <https://goonj.org/support-covid-19-affected/?utm_medium=null&utm_source=null&utm_campaign=null>
Reach us at: Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/goonj.org?fref=ts> | Website<http://goonj.org> | Address<http://goonj.org/?page_id=189>
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On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 10:43 AM Pallav Das <dpallav at gmail.com<mailto:dpallav at gmail.com>> wrote:


A new article, "Is post-capitalism post-money?" by Anitra Nelson has been uploaded to the Radical Ecological Democracy website:


If money is the lynchpin of the contemporary capitalist order then it is imperative that an alternative to that world is imagined and crafted outside the constraints of money. In her path-breaking new book, “Beyond Money, A Post-Capitalist Strategy”, Anitra Nelson lays the ideological foundation of a post-money society based on real, non-monetary, social and ecological values that define a new order committed to fulfilling people’s basic needs. In this exclusive article for RED, Nelson provides an insight into her revolutionary ideas essential for designing a world without socio-economic inequality and crippling environmental stresses.

Please take a look and join the discussion on RED listserv and the website discussion forum. The author is copied here in case you would like to contact her directly. This is the first article in a three part series that RED has planned on Anitra Nelson's book.

Also, Pluto Press is offering the RED readers an exclusive 30% discount on the book -  the details are available at the end of the article. This discount ends on the 30th of April/2022.



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