[PeDAGoG] [REDlistserve] A new article on the RED website - "The path to a just and sustainable society"

mp mp at aktivix.org
Wed Sep 29 17:46:24 CEST 2021

...the state we're in..

On 29/09/2021 16:22, Hari DK wrote:

> -Also, as hinted in some of the comments by others - how is this future
> achieved? is it an organic emergent? or is it top down? capitalism in its
> original form is arguably an organic emergent of human settlement (farming
> societies stored seeds for the next harvest. of course I am not talking
> about degenerate, technologically amplified capitalism we might find
> ourselves trapped in.)

In a sense I guess everything is arguably emergent - but I'd prefer to
look at the world differently here:

And say: It was always imposed, always an elite construction from the
top down and little has changed in basic terms the last 6000 years:
still turning on grains/ploughing, slaves, taxation, debt and
extraction. See for instance James Scott's


In that light "Capitalism" is simply a reimposition, a re-application of
same old tested and tried model of civilisation -- which collapses on
average after 250 years when the soil is depleted - see David Montgomery:

The original study: "Dirt: The Erosion of

Or the more interesting, constructive, later response (with a summary of

"Growing a Revolution: Bringing Our Soil Back to Life" /

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