[PeDAGoG] Next Online Discussion on 16th Dec 21

Upamanyu Das upamanyu.das5 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 13:13:19 CET 2021

Dear PeDAGoG colleagues,

Hope you're all doing well!

We will be hosting the next online discussion of the PeGAGoG group on 16th
Dec 2021 at 2 PM GMT.

The broad agenda of the discussion is as follows:
1. Check-ins
2. Update by the working groups - including follow up
actions/support required by the groups
3. Plans for the upcoming year - including a discussion on how to make the
group more active

Here's the link for the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2598651679

This will be a follow-up on the meeting held in June this year. You can
access the key points from the previous meeting here:

Lastly, it would be nice if the different working groups formed in the
previous meet could provide a short report of their progress to the larger
group before the meeting (particularly the working groups on research
possibilities and inward-facing events), though we will explore this
further during the meeting itself.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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